BREAKING NEWS!!!! War-Spawn CAUGHT MASTERBATING TO WARCRAFT when taking a break from stealing BEATS?!?!?!?!? Notice his crappy sound equipment in the background aswell, SHOCKING!!
Take a look:
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This just in Dj StrEsS has asked everyone for their address and BLOCKED EVERYONE! After a long consistant period of brutal punishment all through 2007-2008 ses has suffered multiple embaressments and his RMP flag ship has collapsed before the wrath of Big Bad Lejin! Ses may be NG's number 1 dick rider and proffessional denial pill consumer but the truth hurts him so much that ultimately he has come to a break down and has decided to block everyone.
2007 - 2007
We were able to get a quote from Big Bad Lej him self:
"I feel that we should take it easy of mosie because he is suffering a serious case of denial. To make matters worst he has no one ... no one. No one believes in him and neither does he. Therefore he is forced into false belief of thinking that he makes $5000 a beat.... since when is this hip hop failure worth more than Dr Dre..... the truth hurts, and thats why he deletes it, blocks it and will run as fast as his fragile minded body can take him from reality."
Big Bad Lejin - Check check check(Pd. Dj 718)
Big Bad Lejin - Why yea block me(Feat. King Cajete)
Linez - The Answer (Feat. Lejin)
Bronze whistle? Good job!
Lejin (Updated )
Your lv 37?!?! Wow... i bet your proud of yourself, good job! =D