WarPAWN refuses to come outside!! CLAIMS BIG BAD LEJIN WILL NOT FIND HIM:
WarPAWN continues to hide
Dj Zion is CRY-ON!!!
Exposed after trying to steal a beat and take credit for it. Lejin posted a link demonstrating to everyone where the beat originally came from and our lump eyed friend gets a tittie attack and seeks help from someone who is already on the run from Mr Big Bad Lejin. By sending this email to him(little lui):
(7:33:12 PM):[Offline IM sent 49m ago] http://vimeo.com/3556460
(7:34:26 PM):[Offline IM sent 48m ago] yo wach ths shit. fuck that n***a legin. that n***az makin a big fool of you.
((Please excuse this lump eyed emotionally disturbed idiots poor ability to spell, thank you))
git maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad~ =D
Remember stealing beats for credit is sad. The truth hurts, pop a painpill.
[CLICK TO VIEW VIDEO]Lejin's warning to little lui and the chipmunks[CLICK TO VIEW VIDEO]
Moments ago Hip Hop NG's legendary producer Cajete was being rolled on(Keyboard Gangster style in a chat room) by an unnamed bummy dressing overweight amateur rapper with a long perm(Reven's cousin), 187meatBeater(U.K's weakest producer in the hip hop game) and surprisingly the washed up hip hop failure Dj StrEsS has made an appearance from the DEAD!
Almost immediately Lejin makes one hell of an entrance and Dj StrEsS's heart literally JUMPED!!! A Stressed and deeply apologetic Dj StrEsS attempted to plead for mercy and beg Mr Big Bad Lejin to turn against Cajete with his last resort ounce of denial he had left claiming Cajete was a fraud. Lejin looked at Ses and laughed hystericly almost as if he were excited or never bin happier in his life to see Dj StrEsS in such an embaressing state. Lejin proceeded to humiliate the squeaky DJ StrEsS with cold facts on his short lived ruined rock bottom internet career on NG that hacked away at Phonie Mosies weak fragile mind. Lejin continued his torturing Dj StrEsS and finished the little make up stealing boy by bringing up the never ending denial that ignored the fact that it was valentines day.... And DJ StrEsS earned his new name 'Lonely Mosie'~ <<BANG>>KO!!!
No Friends
No Fans
No Radio play
No Phone
No Shows
No Money
No Hoes
No Cars
No Respect
RIP r.m.p. 2007-2007
.... Calling this poor squeaky litle mouse sad... would be an understatement...
MC-Rakoon the lyrical murderer made his entrance and then 187meatBeater fell into panic and kept quiet. The Fat Boy tried to take a swing at Lejin ,But Mr Big bad put him down fast on his face. Fat boy was hugging the floor and rakoon joined in the stomping while cajete threw 187meatbeater out the window.
However Lonely Mosie seized his opportunity to escape to safety and crawl back in his rat hole blocking everyone while the R.O.F. Tyrants Layed the smack down on the washed up NDE members. With Dj StrEsS and 187meatbeater runned off fat boy was left to fend for his own. Mr Big Bad tortured the abandoned fat piece of shit with the almighty 2 piece KO! Ending a a chair smash to the head of the fat boy from King Cajete and a baseball bat swing to the jaw of the Fat boy From MC Rakoon. Leaving the cripple fat fuck crawling and limping away while a commonly victorious Big Bad Lejin boasted Get your COUSIN YOU HIGH CALORIE BUM ass BROKE BITCH, Git MAAAAaaaaaAAAAaaAAaaad!
The hurts, Pop a Painpill.
We RuN ThiiiiiiiiS ShiiiiiiiT!!!!
REAL Ova fake
KingCajete (9:49:07 PM): HAHAHAHA
MCRakoon (9:49:12 PM): werd
KingCajete (9:49:20 PM): FAT BOY DONT GET PUSSY
Mostknownunderdawg(9:49:29 PM) has left the room.
MCRakoon (9:49:37 PM): we run dis!!!!!!!!!!!1
MCRakoon (9:49:56 PM): RAK, LEJ, AND CAJETE!!!
MCRakoon (9:50:00 PM): lmaoooo!!!
Lejin Almighty (9:50:00 PM): WE WIN
KingCajete (9:50:05 PM): LOL
KingCajete (9:50:15 PM): damn...
Lejin exposes Little Luis(Reven):
Lejin - Little Luis Reven admits he is broke!!! Cajete has more MONEY than Little LUIS!!!
Keyboard gangster Chunky chipmunk Timmy(Graffikul) got no sleep all night!!! Lejin is driving this poor little fat kid insane. The Fat boy tried everything he had into a rap and hardly could pull off anybars without running out of breathe. Lejin delivered a swift effortless magnificent track bring graffikuls sad internet gang life to a crashing end.
If you can't rap or make beats and want lessons on it please visit:
Learn to make beats from a Pro like King Cajete or rap like a rank #1 artist like Big Bad Lejin.
haha this is so unbelievable that this little kid timmy left NG, but alas Graff still has no life and nothing better to do with his sad little depressed life.
its 6am and he can't sleep. cuz he is PMS'ing' like a fuckin ' schoolgirl having hot flashes' bout cajete and lejin's outstanding Hip Hop Talents.
A : nothing worth 2 shits and a fuck
Big Bad Lejin humiliates and slaughters Timmy the Chunky Chipmunk:
[NEW]Lejin - Fat~fuck[NEW] Mr Big Bad admits he never heard of this sexually frustrated fat piece of shit before, hes not the only one....lol.
Is Lejin a Bully because he responds crushes and finishes his futile opponents on hip hop NG untill there is nothing left of them? Is 50cent really a bully for doing the very same thing?
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