Churchboi exposed once again for fabricating disinformation about R.O.F.'s (B.L.K.O.'s CEO) Hyliss Tellz. The enraged Churchboi denies reality and claims Lejin is a lier for saying that "Churchboi's Father is dead..."
On to other meaningless news The imitation Dj Zion steals an instrumental and blames Lejin. The dj wannabe claims that lejin hacked his account and uploaded it for him <.<
While the REAL Dj Zion laughs along with Mr Big Bad from skype all the way to the bank.
(Note: Has anyone noticed what really happens to accounts that Lejin invades?) Heres A Hint!
Click here For Churchbois Secret Passion
your photo shop skills seem to get better and better as time progresses
Stay up Lej, im stil 5ing ur old songs