If the so called *battle* between Dj Nitemare and Lejin was anything close to a battle as a few have said it is... The outcome was quite clear. Dj Nitemares attempt to get Lejins attention failed to the extreme. However pm's requesting Lejing respond (not battle)from the listeners came in the morning after the night that Dj Nitemare released his full fledge battle track on NG Audio Portal. Lejin was informed and a swiftly recorded response was delivered to the NG public by lejin himself in no longer than 2 minutes time the very moment this information reached him.
Getting straight to the point to Lejin this was more like a swift statement and DjNitemare would have lost horribly if Lejin would just agree to this little event being a battle in the first place. DjNitemare delivered a Wytenoize produced track <a>http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/lis ten/102301<a> with a lazy flow nearing the end and was running out of breathe. Lejin however delivered a very catchy and fast paced flow with almost no effort at all. <a>http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/lis ten/102453<a>
This was no batle. This was the Bored backhand of doom from Lejin that sent DjNite into sufferring from Denile for many weeks to come.
Stick around for more news to come!
Check the page n***a...