Silly is charged with uploading crappy Audio and is at large!! Suspect is harmless, Believes he is black and is suffering from denial! He will do anything for attention from Big Boss Images anywhere and refuses to stop hating on fan favorites and will drop as many zeros as he damn well pleases to make himself feel better! Help us CATCH the sad little confused hater!
LoL UR NEWS Aare the best. damn, but u still know u gonna get feedback on this, i didnt know sillybilly looks so wait i didnt know sillybilly looks lke a fuckin PUSSY. why da hell did rmp take this guy? hes bringin nuthin but trouble, and disrespect to rmp. errytime he says hes better and 0s u in the reviews and on the 0-5 scale. but whats good is that hes the only one who 0s u and thinks hes better. about thaT i agree that hes on denial. sillybilly i think lej wont stop till ur completely destroyed. in my eyes u allready are a lil pansy ho. u dont respect ur foe, and neither ur allies. u would have taken the defeat like a man when lej showed u, but no u have to take it further, by doing that u took rmp wit ya. erryone knows ur in it..and wy the big RMP super crew hasnt come to rescue u? to help u against the big boss? i guess even they know when a battle cant be saved, or is childish. if i were teom, i would str8 fire ya ass till ya prove ur worthy. in my eyes and in many other eyes ur in flames and diyng now cuz lej spit fire at ya, and rmp i dunno, u gave me the feeling that they arent immortal, u gave me the feeling that even i could take rmp on cuz if they hav such members then i guess its only a matter of how long lej? 2 minutes spnt on the first diss to ya and you were destroyed silly. take ya defeat and apologize to rmp. cuz lej doesnt giv a fuck. i think.
now sillybilly dont take offence about this....take a dick and shoveit up ya mouth