You stand against me, Because I stand in your way. R.O.F. President. The truth hurts~ K.O! - Mr. BigBadLejin

Age 24, Male

Mentor & BusinessMan

The Boogie DOWN Bronx NY

Joined on 11/30/06

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Lejin's News

Posted by Lejin - August 4th, 2008

BREAKING NEWS!!!! War-Spawn CAUGHT MASTERBATING TO WARCRAFT when taking a break from stealing BEATS?!?!?!?!? Notice his crappy sound equipment in the background aswell, SHOCKING!!
Take a look:

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This just in Dj StrEsS has asked everyone for their address and BLOCKED EVERYONE! After a long consistant period of brutal punishment all through 2007-2008 ses has suffered multiple embaressments and his RMP flag ship has collapsed before the wrath of Big Bad Lejin! Ses may be NG's number 1 dick rider and proffessional denial pill consumer but the truth hurts him so much that ultimately he has come to a break down and has decided to block everyone.

2007 - 2007

We were able to get a quote from Big Bad Lej him self:

"I feel that we should take it easy of mosie because he is suffering a serious case of denial. To make matters worst he has no one ... no one. No one believes in him and neither does he. Therefore he is forced into false belief of thinking that he makes $5000 a beat.... since when is this hip hop failure worth more than Dr Dre..... the truth hurts, and thats why he deletes it, blocks it and will run as fast as his fragile minded body can take him from reality."

Big Bad Lejin - Check check check(Pd. Dj 718)

Big Bad Lejin - Why yea block me(Feat. King Cajete)

Linez - The Answer (Feat. Lejin)

TheEyeOfMusik AKA Dj-StrEsS has blocked EVERYONE on NG!!!


Posted by Lejin - July 13th, 2008

187 drives away from new jersey bloods(he attempted to visit warspawn)

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Lejin takes a piss on ses's grave and 187 sheds a tears =O An emotionally disturbed 187 expresses his unconditional love for the washed up make up stealing rapper ses! 187 panics as Big Bad Lejin knocks on his parents door asking to see the scrawny 187 computer gangster!

Lejin - Knock Knock

Big Bad Lejin G-3HEKS 187!!!

Posted by Lejin - July 5th, 2008

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Its not easy being a fat midget...lol

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /156345 / Big Bad Lejin - Dont Let Me Find You(PRODUCED By NC321

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /156035 / Big Bad Lejin - Taking out the trash (5Steps)

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /155637 / Big Bad Lejin - You Sweet(Milk and Cookies) PRODUCED By MPZ

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /155710 / Big Bad Lejin - Secret of the slide Pipe(PRODUCED By Dope)


Secrets of the PIPE!  ( Its not easy being MC Racoon.... lets cut him a break =(

Posted by Lejin - June 30th, 2008

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Posted by Lejin - June 27th, 2008

"Never underestimate the warped mentality of racist people. Some seriously disturbed white folks went and hacked into the SOHH.com & f**ked it all up, riddling it with racists rants and offensive imagery. Word is, the same band of idiots from www.ebaumsworld.com may have tampered with AllHipHop.com as well." Bossip.com

Some people's idea of the world is severley warped, I mean if there were no hip hop sites then where would all the white kids go to to conduct their e-thuggery? Exactly!

Ha ha, before y'all white kids get mad I'm only playing!

Anti- supremacist Thoughts?

SOHH website gets jacked by Neo-nazis!!

Posted by Lejin - May 20th, 2008


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D.D.E.(Dick Devouring Entertainment) have a problem with Big Bad Lejin but its no secret. The facts are all here and its time to show Hip Hop NG! Its clear these 2 have a raging hate for Lejin after The Great Lejin turned down their offer to sign to their no budget internet label(DDE). After Lejin refused to sign shortly after Hip Hop NG stars Butcher and J-Kellz also recieved a sign request. Before they gave an answer P-Ballarina posted a blog claiming to already own the rights to these 2 great artists...(Modern day Hip Hop/Classical producer Zajed was also offered a request.) When the response from Butcher and J-Kellz was no, P-Ballarina fell into a furious outof control RAGE and accused Big Bad Lejin of convincing Hip Hop NG credible artists not sign with DDE.

Lejin responded with laughs said: "I never thought it possible that I had THAT MUCH influence over rappers... or do i? XD" P-Ballarina(DDE Bossy) got emotional when he could not get Big Bad Lej to take him serious(or anyone for that matter)! Even washed up rapper Dj Ses commented on the event calling out P-Ballrina with "No one takes you serious! I GET RADIO PLAY I HAVE 99999999999999999FANS+ IM FAMOUS IM RiCH AND SO WHAT IF MY PHONE IS STILL OFF AND ENOUGH ABOUT THE FUCKING MAKE UP THAT ONE ONLY ONE FUCKING TIME REALTALK REALTALK REALTALK!!!!!!!"

Before the DDE offered to sign artists, Lejin was begged to perform a collab record by XT! Lejin was very busy as usual and replied "Ill think about it when i have time". XT Continued to cry and moan how much he needed some publicity and so Lejin began to feel simpathy for him and finally did the record with them out of simpathy. That was fact that these 2 indeed were very interested in trying to get Big Lejin over to their side. DDE began to have issues with washed up angry rapper Dj Ses and then called for Big Bad Lejin to support them. Lejin responded "Go fight your own battles, I never need help with mine" and ever since there has bin an unstable tensino between Lejin's Almighty Records and DDE.

Ofcourse P-Ballarina got his little bitch xt to help him against Lejin and failed perfectly after Lejin delivered swift counter attacks well packed with the stuff the hurts them the most (THE TRUTH)! After DDE suffered the terrible un avoidable loss they posted a picture of MYSPACE RAPPER(J-Goonie). Making racial comments on his newgrounds blog about J-Goonie!


XT made a racist comment about the young puerto rican thug rapper J-Goonie and called him WHITE!! =0 Lejin said he hopes J-Goonie wont jump in and break XT's face because the goonies wont hold back as well as Lejin does and it could ruin DDE's internet image permanently(How worst can it get they just proved to be racist to latino hispanics).

With Lejin Victorious and still very flexible to work on his movie he is starring in and simultaniously on his explosive new Album (X-Plosive) coming July 4th! Lejin says haters can keep hating him but he will continue to love it!

Also as a bonus we will allow everyone to see Lejin's PIC! Enjoy you crazy fan girls out there stalking this page XD

http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/153 /biglejfortheladiesmh9.png

EXCLUSIVE UPDATE!!! The chick with a dick from DDE has removed the insults towards J-Goonie and accepts his loss! Nice try hater better luck next time :\

Stick around for more news to come! =D


Posted by Lejin - April 30th, 2008

Rumors of SES struggle from his grave attempting to be claim:

ALL FANS 100000000000= FANS more than anyone can count in the WORLD!

He's trying to come back My fellow Gamers and Gangsters... But this time....

Theres not





....with reality.

Thats right its the pain popping truth ignoring/denile breathing character attempting to rise from the grave of failure...D J StrEsSed out SES! XD

Recently rumor has it that Dj Ses has posted an emotional blog about a positive comment he recieved from Big Bad Lejin, yeah thats right folks!!....Aaaaaaaaall they way back from last year!!!

<<BANG>> KO!!!

Stick around for more news to come! =D

Washed up overkilled rapper/Dj Ses fights for ressurrection?


Posted by Lejin - February 26th, 2008

As we all know sillybilly has lost again. He made ridicule claims of being blacker than BN and thinks himself to be black. Not only does he think he is black, but he helps convince himself that he really is by insulting other races such as canadian, australian and asians... Lejin felt it necessary to inform the public of what this sillybilly was hiding. Sillybill is not black! Not a surprise though people....lol. A poll was started and we have the scores for who is whiter? Lejin or sillybilly?.... i think its odvious after listening Big Bad Lejin punishing billy with The truth.

On to other hot news!

ChurchBoi enraged after Lejin had a private conversation with churbois girlfriend. The conversation started with a question towards Big Bad Lejin saying

"When will you stop bothering bryan(churchBoi)?

The conversation was based on how Lejin's music was ruining Bryan's mind and all he could think about was getting back at Lejin 'someway or somehow'. The girl felt ignored and reached out to Lejin for help on myspace. She told him to please stop clowning churchboi cause its affecting his brain and he seemed stressed out lately. Lejin ended the conversation with:

"I do what i want, Eat a dick you ugly boring bitch."

She is known for flirting with Big Lejin's right hand man 'Mr. Armed & Dangerous' X-Kaliba. Lejin had no comments on this, however he did laugh....alot.

Stick around for more news to come!!!

SillyBilly EXPLODES IN RAGE!! ChurchBoi FURIOUS ABOUT girlfriend convo with Big Lej!!! EXCLUSIVE!!!

Posted by Lejin - February 14th, 2008

Ah yes good ol' victory makes losers mad. It looks like2007 will repeat itself again. I pity the poor mumble face and the make-up stealing kid.

Stick around for more news to come. =D

Mad cause we styling on you~

Posted by Lejin - February 2nd, 2008

For months this old washed up Grandfather rapper has tried everything and anything to get Almighty Records attention. However Lejin as we all know is hated by many unsuccessful artists all over the world. The grandfather rapper InGenius got angry when Lejin did not notice him trying to insult AGANG. His anger steamed him up enough to make ridicule claims of coming in contact with a group who associated themselvses with Lejin , X-Kaliba and many other undisclosed members of the AGANG family. The old fart tried his luck against the Kaliba stealing myspace pictures of Xkaliba claiming he has no guns and is a fake. X- Kaliba responded with a sawed-off pump pointing at the washed up rapper mouth and says to him:

"I got your 2 fingers right here...for you mouth. Now go get your momma some soup boyH..."

The washed up old rapper has yet to say anything back to AGANG X-Kal or even Big Bad Lej.

This was Hip Hop NG News!

Stick around for more news to come =D

Granpa Rapper Challenges AGANG?